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Reduce Estate Risk?

What is the number one Estate Planning Risk?

  1. Tax Issues?
  2. Beneficiary Selection?
  3. Estate Details?
  4. None of the Above?

The answer is 4.

What is the answer?

Estate strategies are one of the most challenging areas for both individuals and business owners and individuals to undertake.

Managing taxes is one concern.  More so, doing the best thing for family, friends, and society is often even more challenging.

Do you have a peace of mind that your estate is clearly developed and clearly written?  You may.

The biggest estate risk though usually surfaces when the estate is settled.

Creating a solid, detailed plan, and managing the number one estate risk is the goal.

Support in managing your estate risk is just a phone call away.

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(541) 786-6989

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If you would like to further discuss your situation, reach Mr. Berley anytime at (541) 786-6989

Steven BerleyFinance Specialist
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